The passage centers on the controversy ______. [br] According to Ann Clarke, the

游客2024-06-16  4

问题 The passage centers on the controversy ______. [br] According to Ann Clarke, the New Zealand Life Sciences Network______.

选项 A、should gather evidence to discredit Ingham’s claims
B、should require that the research by their biologists be regulated
C、shouldn’t demand that Ingham be disciplined for voicing her views
D、shouldn’t appease the opposition in such a quiet way

答案 C

解析 由题干中的Ann Clarke定位到文章末段。推断题。由Ann Clarke所说的话可知,她认为新西兰生命科学网给Ingham不断制造麻烦是不对的,并且他们的做法是想要Ingham不再说出自己的想法。C中的shouldn’t demand that Ingham be disciplined for voicing her views与文中的She shouldn’t be harassed in this way和It’s an attempt to silence the opposition对应,因此应选C。