Which of the following can be inferred from the Para 1? [br] According to AI Rie

游客2024-06-13  2

问题 Which of the following can be inferred from the Para 1? [br] According to AI Ries Pepsi is so successful because it ______.

选项 A、would like to spend billions of money on the promotion of its products
B、has twice as many advertising experts to turn to for consultation
C、is always changing its image to cater to the taste of the young people
D、can make effective use of famous stars popular with the young people

答案 D

解析 由题干AI Ries Pepsi is so successful because it 定位到原文末段倒数第二句He gives Pepsi far better marks for "effectively using visuals like Britney Spears to reinforce Pepsi’s image that it is for the young generation."细节题。根据本文末段AI Ries认为百事可成功的原因是能有效地利用布兰妮来提升百事可乐的形象,故选D。