What is John Ingham’ s report about? [br] According to Princeton professor Richa

游客2024-06-18  2

问题 What is John Ingham’ s report about? [br] According to Princeton professor Richard Gott, by setting up a self-sufficient colony on Mars, humans ______.

选项 A、might survive all catastrophes on Earth
B、might acquire ample natural resources
C、will be able to travel to Mars freely
D、will move there to live a better life

答案 A

解析 由题干中的Princeton professor Richard Gott和setting up a self-sufficient colony on Mars定位到文章第三个小标题下第一段:Richard Gott,professor of astrophysics at Princeton,hopes man will setup a self-sufficient colony on Mars,which would be a“life insurance policy”against whatever catastrophes,natural or otherwise,might occur on Earth.题干中的by短语与原文中的内容相同,原文中的定语从句表示的内容就是setting up a self-sufficient colony on Mars所带来的影响——人们就能够应对发生在地球上的各种灾难。结合四个选项,A)中的survive all catastrophes on Earth是对原文的同义转述,为本题的正确答案。