[originaltext]W: Good morning, I’m Victoria Porter. How can I help you?M: Good

游客2024-05-28  5

W: Good morning, I’m Victoria Porter. How can I help you?
M: Good morning, my name is Frank. I have to complete the enrolment form, but I’m not sure about some aspects.
W: (19)Let’s refer to the handbook and see how I can help you. What’s your firs problem?
M: Well, I can’t decide which program to take.
W: Do you want a science or arts?
M: Arts. But I can’t decide a social sciences, a humanities, and an education.
W: You needn’t make that decision now. (20)You can leave it until the end of the first year.
M: I see. Then I need to select my courses carefully.
W: Yes. First, foundation course. All students must take one foundation course as part of the requirement of the first year. It’s on page 21. Have you read the description?
M: Yeah, I’d like to do Al09 Futures. It looks so interesting.
W: But as a foreign student, I suggest you consider A114 Australia and its People.
M: What about this, Structure, Thought, and Reality, or Life in the Universe? The description of both says they will help me to develop skills of argument and analysis.
W: Actually all the foundation courses are designed to do that. But All4 will help you gain a better understanding of the country you live in.
M: That’s true. And it’s worth 6 points while each of the others only 3. OK, I’ll do A114.
W: It’s very important to keep your points in mind when selecting courses. Normally full-time students enroll for 12 credits each semester or 24 each academic year. However, (21)if your enrolment drops below 9 points in any one semester, you won’t be considered full-time.
M: What would happen then?
W: Well, you won’t be eligible for student visa.

选项 A、At this moment.
B、After he selects courses.
C、At the end of the first year.
D、At the end of the first semester.

答案 C

解析 细节推断题。男士表示想选择文科专业,但又拿不准具体方向,女士说他可以等到第一年结束时再做决定。由此可知,男士做出决定的最后期限是“第一年年底”。注意不是“第一学期底”,故排除D)。