[originaltext]W: Do I look good? I mean, will the interviewers like my clothes?

游客2024-05-20  4

W: Do I look good? I mean, will the interviewers like my clothes? I want to give them a good impression.
M: You look great, honey. Remember, be yourself. Anyway, they are looking for someone who knows how to run an apartment, not a model.
Q: What can we know about the woman?
W: You told me you like your job. Why do you look so upset?
M: Whenever we try to change the work routine, the workers have so many ifs and buts that we never manage to change anything.
Q: What do we learn about the workers?

选项 A、They make many complaints.
B、They make a lot of objections.
C、They make lots of proposals.
D、They make numerous mistakes.

答案 B

解析 由男士提到的workers have so many ifs and buts that we never manage to change anything(工人有太多理由和借口以至于我们什么都无法改变)可知,工人提出很多反对理由,故答案为[B]。ifs and buts意为“理由、借口、托词”。