[originaltext]W: Do I look good? I mean, will the interviewers like my clothes?

游客2024-05-20  5

W: Do I look good? I mean, will the interviewers like my clothes? I want to give them a good impression.
M: You look great, honey. Remember, be yourself. Anyway, they are looking for someone who knows how to run an apartment, not a model.
Q: What can we know about the woman?
W: Hello. This is Mary. I’m calling to see if my blood test results are in.
M: Dr. Miller just sent them to the lab last night, so the earliest time they could be back is tomor-row morning.
Q: What does the man mean?

选项 A、The results haven’t come out yet.
B、The results were checked again last night.
C、The woman needs another test tomorrow.
D、The doctor hasn’t come back from the lab.

答案 A

解析 对话中女士询问她的血液测试结果出来了没有,男士提到Dr.Miller昨晚把它们送到了实验室,最早明天上午才能送回来,也就是说实验结果还未出来,故答案为[A]。[D]是根据男士提到的…they could be back…设的干扰项,这里的they指的是女士提到的my blood test results,故排除。