[originaltext]W: Do I look good? I mean, will the interviewers like my clothes?

游客2024-05-20  4

W: Do I look good? I mean, will the interviewers like my clothes? I want to give them a good impression.
M: You look great, honey. Remember, be yourself. Anyway, they are looking for someone who knows how to run an apartment, not a model.
Q: What can we know about the woman?
W: I can’t seem to tune the station I want. Funny, I found it yesterday.
M: Maybe you should put the antenna up. I hope you’ll find it soon. The talk show is about to begin. You don’t want to miss it, do you?
Q: What do we learn from the conversation about the speakers?

选项 A、They are looking for a train station.
B、They are waiting for a performance.
C、They are repairing their ears.
D、They are listening to the radio.

答案 D

解析 由女士提到的I can’t…tune the station (我…收不到台)和男士提到的…put the antenna up…talk show is about to begin(…把天线竖起来…脱口秀马上要开始了)可知,他们正在听收音机,故答案为[D]。