Similar to the story in the movie Casablanca, the world economy______. [br] What

游客2024-05-16  4

问题 Similar to the story in the movie Casablanca, the world economy______. [br] What will probably happen to workers in developed countries in the happy ending?

选项 A、They will get higher wages.
B、They will have less competition.
C、They will get a bigger share of the national income.
D、They will enjoy a faster increase in payment.

答案 A

解析 题干happy ending与原文upbeat ending同义,因此定位到文章第6段。语义题。此段末句说明生产力的快速发展导致工资水平暂时相对滞后,但最终将提高工资水平。A与之相符。工资水平的提高不说明工资占收益总额的比例会增加,也不说明工资增长速度会加快,故排除C和 D。