There is something badly wrong with the way standards for school science bei
There is something badly wrong with the way standards for school science bei
There is something badly wrong with the way standards for school science being set in the US. When the Texas State Board of Education voted in new standards last week, it left the door open for teaching creationism (神造论) in the name of science in federally funded schools. These must be closed, and quickly.
Because standards are set at state level, students in one state might be learning different science and using different textbooks from what students in another are learning and using. What is worse, the state boards of education that are responsible for standards and textbooks are made up of elected officials who lack any specific skills or qualifications in the relevant areas of science or education. As we saw in the 2005 trial over teaching intelligent design in Dover, Pennsylvania, and are now seeing in Texas, school boards have become a political battleground. Many board members appear to be acting on behalf of religious groups like local churches or the Discovery Institute.
School science standards should be set by people who understand science and science education. At the same time, it is dangerous to argue that the powers of democratically elected officials should be taken away if they don’t produce the outcome you want. Yet that is what may happen in Texas. Some Democrats have introduced legislation that would transfer authority for textbooks and curricula to the Texas Education Agency.
Is there a way out of this impasse? One possibility is that candidates for school boards should be tested before they stand. Another is that the pro-science (支持科学者) should try to engage more fully with the democratic process. After the Dover trial, board members who favored intelligent design were dumped by the voters. Something similar could happen in Texas.
Another possibility is to push decisions further up the democratic ladder. President Barack Obama has already called for all states to have the same achievement standards, raising hopes that he might push for federal standards across all US schools. While this might drive conservative mad, it would put an end to the present situation in which an accident of geography can determine whether a child is taught valid science.
Obama has already made remarkable changes in Washington by restoring scientific expertise to its rightful place in government. Many teachers and scientists would like to see him do the same in the place where it can count most: in the classroom. [br] The word "impasse" (Line 1, Para. 4) probably means______.
A、a very complicated situation that is hard to deal with
B、a test that candidates for school boards should take
C、a democratic process that the pro-science try to engage
D、a possibility that nobody can find an efficient solution
语义理解题。联系第三段可知,美国教育标准的制定陷入了误区,由一些对教育毫不知情的人确定教育的标准。这些人各自代表不同的宗教组织,渐渐把学校董事会变成了宗教政治的战场。而民主党人士站出来立法,要把教育决定权归还给教育机关,这就形成了两派人士的矛盾。且本句使用了out of“脱离,摆脱”,由此推断impasse应该是“一种难以解决的双方都有异议的僵局”。
( )是为了消除库存和不必要的浪费而进行的持续性改进。A.供应链管理 B.准
A.1% B.0.1% C.3% D.0.5% E.2%用于消毒口腔黏膜
下列哪一项不是固定桥挠曲的不良后果A.桥体与固位体之间出现裂缝 B.食物嵌塞
下列说法中,正确的是()。 ①客户在进行委托前须确保已完全了解有关交易规则,
我国科举考试中有“连中三元”之说,其中“三元”指的是( )。A、秀才、举人
16种根源特质里兴奋性和情绪稳定性属于() A.能力特质B.次要特质C.
我国法律对基金信息披露的规范主要体现在2004年6月1日起实施的()。 A.
按照深化投融资体制改革要求,政府投资范围主要包括( )。 A.社会公益服务