[originaltext]W: Well,hello,Jack! Have you moved or something? You haven’t been

游客2024-05-17  20

W: Well,hello,Jack! Have you moved or something? You haven’t been around much lately,have you?
M: No,I’ve been away on vacation. I went to California to stay with my brother for a few weeks.
Q: What do we learn about the man from the conversation?
W: Your wife admitted that she couldn’t have it all, career and children, without help. You gave up your career as an opera singer. Do you have any regret?
M: Maybe a little,every once in a while, would I have loved to continue on singing throughout Europe and having what was an exciting life?
Q: What would the man like to do if he hadn’t quit his job?

选项 A、Travel throughout Europe.
B、Engage in executive operations.
C、Direct opera performances.
D、Have an exciting singing career.

答案 D

解析 女士问男士放弃歌剧歌手的职业后不后悔,男士表示有点儿后悔,并说他可能会环游欧洲演唱,并过着激动人心的生活,故答案为D)。