[originaltext]M: Please take me to the Beijing Hotel quickly, or I’ll miss the

游客2024-05-13  3

M: Please take me to the Beijing Hotel quickly, or I’ll miss the business.
W: I don’t know, but I’ll try. With traffic so heavy it will take at least forty more.
Q: What do we learn from the conversation?

选项 A、Tile man will arrive at the hotel only fourteen minutes late.
B、The man has a quarter to get to the hotel.
C、The man will certainly miss his business.
D、The woman does not think she will be able to drive quickly.

答案 D

解析 男士说:请赶快带我到北京饭店,不然我要误了那桩生意。女士说:我不知道,但我尽量吧。现在交通如此拥挤,至少还要四十分钟,。问题是:我们从对话中了解到什么?A、B项说得太具体,在交通拥挤的情况下是难以准确估计时间的,C项说得过于肯定;不合实情。所以只有D,女士认为不可能开得快。