[originaltext]M: Last time we talked about the history of paper, But do you kno

游客2024-04-29  5

M: Last time we talked about the history of paper, But do you know what paper is used for?
W: Oh, that’s an easy question. I suppose paper can be used in six ways, that is, newspapers, books, writing paper, envelopes, wrapping paper, paper bags.
M: Yes, actually only half of the paper that is made is used for such purposes.
W: Are there any other uses of paper?
M: There are many other uses. Paper is very good for keeping you warm. Houses are often prevented against cold by paper. You have perhaps seen homeless people asleep on a large number of newspapers.
W: Yes, I have. So they are preventing themselves against cold.
M: You are right. In Finland, it is very cold in winter. It is sometimes 40 degrees Centigrade below zero. The farmers wear paper boots in the snow. Nothing could be warmer.
W: Oh, that’s unbelievable.
M: Now more and more things are made of paper. We have had paper plates, cups and dishes for a long time. But now we hear that chairs, tables, and even beds can be made of paper.
W: Fascinating!
M: People have made paper boats, but they have not yet made paper planes or cars. Just wait, they probably will.
W: Well, you have become an expert on paper. How do you know all that?
M: You know, I’m preparing for a presentation on paper, so I’ve looked up a lot of material.
W: Well, I’m sure your presentation will go really well.
M: Thank you.
4. How many kinds of uses of paper are mentioned by the woman?
5. Why do the homeless people sleep on a lot of newspapers?
6. Why does the man know so much about paper?
7. What is the conversation mainly about?

选项 A、He is an expert on paper.
B、He was interested in paper when he was young.
C、He works in a paper-producing factory.
D、He has read a lot of material about paper.

答案 D

解析 细节题。本题的设题点在问答处和结尾处。女士问男士为什么会知道这么多关于纸的知识,男士回答说他为了准备a presentation on paper,已经查了好多资料(material),也就是说他查了很多关于paper的资料,故答案为[D]。