[originaltext]M: I wish I didn’t have to make a special trip to the post office

游客2024-04-28  3

M: I wish I didn’t have to make a special trip to the post office to get my package.
W: Well, if you call them in the morning they’ll give your package to your mail carrier to bring out to you.
Q: What does the woman suggest the man do?
M: Do you think you could lend me a few dollars until tomorrow? I left my wallet at home and I don’t have enough money for lunch.
W: Why not just let me treat you? I just got paid. Besides, I owe you for helping me with that physics project last month.
Q: What does the woman mean?

选项 A、She’ll help look for the man’s wallet.
B、She’d like to pay for the man’s lunch.
C、She doesn’t have much money to lend the man.
D、She’ll help the man with his physics project.

答案 B

解析 女士的话let me treat you为听音重点,[B]是对女士的话的同义转述,其中的pay for the mail’s lunch对应treat you,故答案为[B]。Why not…?为提建议的常用句型。treat sb.在此意为“请某人客”。