[originaltext]W: What a wonderful performance! Your rock band has never sounded

游客2024-04-27  6

W: What a wonderful performance! Your rock band has never sounded better.
M: Many thanks. I guess all those hours of practice in the past month are finally paying off.
Q: What does the man mean?
M: I’m thinking about becoming a member here, and I’d like some information.
W: Sure. A three-month membership costs 150 dollars, and that includes use of the waiting room, sauna and pool. I’ll give you a free path so that you can try out the facilities before you decide.
Q: What do we learn from the conversation?

选项 A、The woman asked for a free pass to try out the facilities.
B、The man is going to renew his membership in a fitness center.
C、The woman can give the man a discount if he joins the club now.
D、The man can try out the facilities before he becomes a member.

答案 D

解析 语义理解题。男士表示他正在考虑成为这里的会员,想了解一些相关信息。女士向男士介绍申请三个月的会员需要的费用及获得的服务。并表示可以让男士在作出决定前试用里面的设施。