[originaltext] What is the tallest mountain on Earth? Most school children w

游客2024-04-25  8

What is the tallest mountain on Earth? Most school children will say the answer is Mount Everest. There is something that is 304 meters taller than Mount Everest.(23)However, it is mainly underwater. It begins at the bottom of the Pacific Ocean, and rises more titan 17 kilometers from the ocean floor. Its name is Mauna Loa. In the Hawaiian language, Mauna Loa means " Long Mountain. " Mauna Loa is more than half of the island of Hawaii, the largest of the Hawaiian Islands. It is also the largest and most active volcano on Earth. It has produced liquid rock called lava more than thirty times since records were first kept in 1843.
    Mauna Loa is not the only volcano on the island of Hawaii.(24)There are four others. Three of them are no longer active. One of them still is active-It is named Kilauea. It has produced lava more than 50 times in the last 100 years. Sometimes the lava moves slowly. At other times it pours out very fast as huge amounts of pressure force it from the volcano. During these times, it moves almost as quickly as water moving down the side of a mountain. Sometimes Kilauea produces large amounts of lava that seem like rivers of fire. When the lava from Kilauea reaches the ocean, its fierce heat produces great amounts of steam that rise into the air. The lava is so hot it continues to burn underwater for some time.(25)The lava from Kilauea continues to add land to the island as the volcanoes of Hawaii have always done. It is these volcanoes that formed the islands of Hawaii.
23. Why isn’t Mauna Loa the tallest mountain with its 17 kilometers of height?
24. What makes Kilauea different from the other three volcanoes on the island?
25. What influence do the volcanoes have on the island of Hawaii?

选项 A、It has the longest history of record.
B、It produces the largest amount of lava.
C、It is the only active one on the island.
D、It covers more than half of the island.

答案 C

解析 短文中说在夏威夷岛上共有四座火山,不过其中三座都不再活跃,唯一还处于活跃期的是一座名为基拉韦亚的火山,故答案为C)。