
游客2024-04-18  27

问题     中国是历史悠久的多民族国家。光辉灿烂的中华文化,是各民族相互融合,共同创造的。由于生态环境、生产生活方式以及民俗风情的差异,各少数民族在长期的历史发展过程中,形成了风格迥异、丰富多彩的文化特质。少数民族工艺美术品是民族悠久历史与灿烂文化的重要载体,是各民族能工巧匠利用各种材料和技术创造的实用艺术品,充分体现出不同文化的独特魅力。这些种类繁多、色彩绚丽、技巧纷呈的卓越创造,构成了中华民族文化艺术中奇异、动人的图画。


答案     China is a time-honored country consisting of many ethnic groups. Various ethnical civilizations have assimilated and intermingled with each other and brought forth the splendid Chinese culture together. Due to different ecological environments, ways of living and folk-customs, minority groups have created their fantastic culture with different genres during their development. Arts and crafts of ethnic minorities created by the craft masters embody their long history and brilliant culture. These works were made from a multitude of materials by using a variety of techniques and served pragmatic use, fully embodying the unique charm of their culture. The great varieties of colorful works produced with brilliant skills by ethnic minorities contribute an exotic and appealing flavor to the whole of Chinese art.
