
游客2024-04-18  22

问题     梅兰芳(1894年~1961年),京剧大师,在中国戏剧的发展和向全世界传播中同戏剧的成就中作出了杰出的贡献。梅兰芳生于京剧世家,当他还是一个小男孩的时候,就开始学习戏剧艺术。他不仅继承了京剧的优秀传统,还用自己的创造改良京剧。为了更好地表演自己所扮演的角色,梅兰芳设计出很多种舞蹈动作。梅兰芳是第一个把京剧介绍到国外的人。梅兰芳随团三次拜访日本。在1919年第一次访问演出期间,他就被称赞为“东方艺术的杰出表演者”了。虽然梅兰芳去世了,但是,他的艺术造诣被很好地传承下来,而且他对于京剧的影响仍然持续至今。


答案     Mei Lanfang(1894-1961), the great master of Peking Opera, made outstanding contributions to the development of the opera and the spread of the beauty of Chinese theatre all over the world. Mei was born in a family of Peking Opera performers and started to learn the art of opera when he was a little boy. Mei not only inherited the fine traditions of Peking Opera, but also improved it with his own creation. In order to help express the characteristics of the roles he played, Mei designed various kinds of dances. Mei was the first person to introduce Peking Opera to foreign countries. With his troupe, Mei visited Japan three times. During his first visit in 1919, he was praised as an "outstanding performer of the Oriental art". Although Mei Lanfang was dead, his performance is well remembered, and his impact on Peking Opera still remains.
