
游客2024-04-18  10

问题     郑成功是中国历史上一位伟大的民族英雄。郑成功与侵占我国领土台湾的荷兰殖民者进行过针锋相对的斗争。1661年4月,他力排众议,跨海东征,在台湾人民的密切配合下,迫使荷兰殖民者签约投降。之后,作为开发台湾的先驱者,他采取了一系列促进台湾开发和民族团结的措施。郑成功收复台湾,维护了祖国领土主权的独立和完整,是中国人民反西方殖民主义斗争的第一次伟大胜利,在中华民族发展史上写下了光辉的一页。


答案     Zheng Chenggong is a great national hero in the Chinese history. Zheng waged a tit-for-tat struggle against the Dutch invaders who occupied the Chinese territory Taiwan. In April, 1661, prevailing over all dissenting views, Zheng sailed across the Taiwan Strait to drive away the Dutch invaders. With the close cooperation of the Taiwan people, Zheng forced the Dutch invaders to sign a treaty of surrender. Since then, as a pioneer in developing Taiwan, Zheng adopted a series of measures and policies to promote the development of Taiwan and the national unity. Zheng’s recovery of Taiwan maintained the independence and integrity of China’s territorial sovereignty. It was the first great victory in Chinese people’s struggle against the western colonists, and will be remembered as a glorious page in the development of the Chinese history.
