中医(Traditional Chinese Medicine)指中国的传统医学,产生于原始社会。中国人认为中医可以使人体与自然达到平衡,从而从根本上治

游客2024-04-14  5

问题     中医(Traditional Chinese Medicine)指中国的传统医学,产生于原始社会。中国人认为中医可以使人体与自然达到平衡,从而从根本上治疗疾病,保持人体健康。中医一般会通过观察、询问、触摸等方法对多种疾病进行诊断。中草药(herbal medicine)、按摩、针灸(acupuncture)是中医常用的治疗手段。中国人在日常生活的许多方面都会借鉴中医理论以达到美容保健的功效,比如保健食品和化妆品。中医不仅在中国影响深远,而且对亚洲其他国家的医学发展也有影响。


答案 Traditional Chinese Medicine refers to the traditional medicine of China which originated in the primitive society. Chinese people think that Traditional Chinese Medicine can fundamentally cure a disease and keep people healthy by reaching a balance between human body and nature. Physicians of Traditional Chinese Medicine usually adopt such ways as observing, inquiring and touching to diagnose a variety of diseases. Herbal medicine, massage and acupuncture are commonly used to cure diseases. The theories of Traditional Chinese Medicine are often applied in many aspects of the Chinese people’s daily lives—for example, health food and cosmetics—to keep people beautiful and healthy. Traditional Chinese Medicine not only exerts a profound impact in China, but also has influenced the medical development of other Asian countries.

解析 1.第一句的“产生于原始社会”,用which引导的定语从句表达,更符合英语句子多用从句的特点,使译文更地道。
3.倒数第二句中的“中国人在日常生活的许多方面”翻译成in many aspects of Chinese people’s dailylives,将“中国人”从主语的位置变为定语,使英文句子更流畅,并与后半句衔接得更合理。同时,根据英文习惯将重心放在句子前面的特点,参考译文将汉语中的宾语“中医理论”提到句首充当主语,译为被动句,这样既能强调重要语义,又符合英文习惯表达。
4.最后一句中,虽然have an impact on sth.是固定搭配,但此处指在中国产生影响,而非对某物产生影响,所以用in来表达。