
游客2024-04-08  20

问题     自古以来,和平就是人类最持久的夙愿。和平像阳光一样温暖、像雨露一样滋润。有了阳光雨露,万物才能茁壮成长。有了和平稳定,人类才能更好地实现自己的梦想。历史告诉我们,和平是需要争取的,和平是需要维护的。只有人人都珍惜和平、维护和平,只有人人都记取战争的惨痛教训,和平才是有希望的。历史是最好的老师,它忠实记录下每一个国家走过的足迹,也给每一个国家未来的发展提供启示。中国人历来讲求“己所不欲,勿施于人”。中国需要和平,就像人需要空气一样,就像万物生长需要阳光一样。


答案     Since time immemorial, peace has been people’s most enduring aspiration. Peace is as warm as sunshine and as moist as rain and dew with which all things on earth could thrive. Only with peace and stability can human beings realize their dreams better. Historical experience tells us that peace needs to be striven and safeguarded. The world will be peaceful, only when everyone cherish and maintain it and always remember painful lessons of the war. History is the best teacher who keeps a fair record of the paths that all countries have traveled and provides enlightenment for their future development. Chinese people are particular about "Don’t do to others what you don’t want others to do to you" all long. Peace is to China what air is to people as well as sunshine is to all things growing.
