ClearMacro CEO Mike Simcock, who has 25 years of professional asset managemen

游客2024-04-05  8

问题    ClearMacro CEO Mike Simcock, who has 25 years of professional asset management experience, says he started the company to help investment managers that were drowning in a deluge of data.
   There has been a massive explosion in data sources, many offering the prospect of more timely information and more impactful signals. But the big data revolution is actually compounding a problem that was already there, says Simcock. Advancements in technology are making analytical processes accessible beyond the world of hedge funds(对冲基金)and CTAs(交易顾问): things like back testing tools and ways of aggregating information and visualizing information in a really efficient way.
   ClearMacro is building a " Wikipedia of investment strategies". It applies strategic, tactical and systematic asset allocation strategies, alongside a combination of select data sets providing real time macro insights, from text media and now-casting to cross border central bank liquidity statistics.
   Simcock suggests a less is more approach to data. " We are not scraping the internet for data. We are doing aggregation in the sense that we are sourcing what we call the best quality data sets for the categories of information that we think decision makers care about holistically, as well as tools to back test and gain conviction over what works and what doesn’t. " He said big data sets within the hedge fund space tend to be really focused on tactical, higher frequency, shorter term decision making, such as trying to gain an edge on payrolls or the next move in inflation, or company results.
   The industry is very quickly going to move much further toward data driven automated research and investible strategies. " Funds or products that are essentially driven more and more by rules, and can be delivered in different ways, whether it’s an ETF structure or simply connecting to interactive brokers. "
   Suddenly all sorts of owners of data are realizing the power of their data sets. " We are completely unaware of whether we use traditional data or new data. If we can demonstrate it adds some value then that can justify paying for it. "
   Data does not come cheap: all sorts of entities are offering to sell their data, from anywhere between £25K and £250K, and upward. "The value of data is in the eyes of the beholder," said Simcock. "Typically I think the way that data sales work is that everything is up for negotiation," he said. " Some of the things we are finding is a lot of the classic data sets are delivering better performance when you build them into strategies. The message I would give to someone asking how should I deal with this landscape—embrace technologies that can make your job easier and take your time. " [br] What can we learn about the "Wikipedia of investment strategies" ?

选项 A、It makes investment suggestions.
B、It sorts and analyzes timely data.
C、It provides macro data reports.
D、It predicts the statistics of banks.

答案 B

解析 推理判断题。本题考查对“投资策略的维基百科”特点的理解。定位句提到,“投资策略的维基百科”采用有策略的、战术化的和系统的资产分配策略,以及一套精选数据组合,提供实时宏观分析,可见它对即时信息进行分类和分析,故答案为B)。A)“它给出投资建议”,原文虽然提到了会进行分析,但是并没有说会给出投资建议,故排除;C)“它提供大数据报告”是对第二句中providing real time macro insights的曲解,原文只说提供宏观分析,并没有说有大数据报告,故排除;定位句提到会提供央行跨行流水统计数据,并不是对统计数据进行预测,故排除D)“它预测银行的统计数据”。