互联网不仅给人们的生活带来了便利,也带来了很多隐患,尤其是个人信息的泄漏。上海的一项网上调查显示:97.4%的受访者称曾收过垃圾短信(spam mess

游客2024-03-29  6

问题     互联网不仅给人们的生活带来了便利,也带来了很多隐患,尤其是个人信息的泄漏。上海的一项网上调查显示:97.4%的受访者称曾收过垃圾短信(spam message)或骚扰电话(harassment call),60%受访者认为个人信息安全存在风险。个人信息泄露不仅会影响人的心情,还可能危及人们的财产安全和人身安全。要解决这一问题,需要每个人和政府的共同努力。一方面,网民要注意自我信息保护,防止个人信息泄露;另一方面,政府要健全和完善互联网信息相关的法律。


答案 The Internet brings not only convenience but also a good many potential dangers to people’s life, particularly the leakage of personal information. According to an online survey in Shanghai City, 97.4% of those polled claimed that they had once received spam messages or harassment calls, while 60% of them thought that personal information security is at risk. Personal information leakage may affect one’s mood as well as threaten people’s property and personal safety. Every individual and the government should make joint efforts to solve the problem. For one thing, netizens should pay special attention to personal information protection and prevent it from leaking; for another, the government should strengthen and improve legislations related to Internet messages.

解析 1.第一句中的“尤其是个人信息的泄露”可用“particularly+名词短语”来表达,对potential dangers进行补充说明。
2.第二句“上海的一项网上调查显示:97.4%的受访者称曾收过……安全存在风险”中“称(claim)”的宾语很长,可译为that引导的宾语从句:that they had once received spam messages or harassment calls。“60%受访者认为……”中,“认为”的宾语也很长,同样可使用宾语从句:that personal information securi一ty is at risk。
3.“要解决这一问题,需要每个人和政府的共同努力”这一句没有明显的主语,可将其理解为“每个人和政府都需要共同努力来解决这一问题”,以“每个人和政府”作主语;也可译为被动态,以“共同努力”作主语,译为Join efforts of every individual and the government are required to solve the problem。
4.最后一句也较长,但句式比较简单,“一方面……另一方面”可用for one thing,for another来衔接。