鲁迅是20世纪中国的重要作家、新文化运动(New Culture Movement)的领导人、中国现代文学的奠基人。他早年赴日本学医,想用自己的医术治病

游客2024-03-29  23

问题     鲁迅是20世纪中国的重要作家、新文化运动(New Culture Movement)的领导人、中国现代文学的奠基人。他早年赴日本学医,想用自己的医术治病救人。后来受一部影片的影响,他决定弃医从文,希望用文字改变中国人的思想。1918年鲁迅发表了中国现代文学史上第一篇白话文(vernacular)小说《狂人日记》(A Madman’s Diary),推进了现代文学的发展。鲁迅被评价为现代文学家、思想家、革命家。他的作品包括杂文、短篇小说、评论、散文和翻译作品,对五四运动(May Fourth Movement)以后的中国文学产生了重大影响。


答案 Lu Xun, an important Chinese writer of the 20th century, was the leading figure of the New Culture Movement and the founder of modern Chinese literature. In his early years, Lun Xun went to Japan to study medicine, wishing to cure the patients via his medical skills. Later, influenced by a movie, he made up his mind to abandon medicine for literature, hoping to change the thoughts of Chinese via words. In 1918, Lu Xun published A Madman’s Diary, the first short story in vernacular in the history of Chinese literature, which boosted the modern literature. He was acclaimed as a modern writer, thinker and revolutionist. Lu Xun’s works, including essays, short stories, critiques, prose and translations, exerted a substantial influence on Chinese literature after the May Fourth Movement.

解析 1.第一个句子主语是“鲁迅”,后面跟着介绍他的三个并列的身份:作家、领导人、奠基人,翻译时可将“是20世纪中国的重要作家”译作an important Chinese writer of the 20th century,放在主语Lu Xun之后,作为同位语。“领导人”和“奠基人”则用and连接,并列作句子表语。
2.第二句中的“想用自己的医术治病救人”可使用现在分词短语作状语,译为wishing to cure the patientsvia his medical skills,跟在主干“他早年赴日本学医”之后。
3.翻译第三句“后来受一部影片的影响,他决定……,希望……”时,为使句子紧凑,可将“他决定弃医从文”作为句子主干,“后来受一部影片的影响”处理成过去分词短语作状语,置于句首,即Later,influenced by a movie。“希望用文字改变中国人的思想”表目的,可使用现在分词短语表达,译成目的状语hoping to…。