
游客2024-03-13  31

问题     农村经济对于保持国内生产总值(GDP)平稳增长有着越来越重要的作用。因此,中国政府坚持把增加农民收入作为农村工作的中心任务,千方百计拓宽农民的增收渠道。过去几年中,农民人均纯收入(per capita net income)实现了稳步增长。2002年以来,实现年均增速达到7.996。特别是2010年,城乡收入差距开始出现缩小的可喜迹象。去年,农村人均收入实际增长速度首次超过城市。在经济增长放缓的局势下,农村经济的韧性(resilience)将有效帮助中国避免经济硬着陆(hard landing)。


答案     The rural economy plays an increasingly important role in keeping the steady growth of GDP. Therefore, the Chinese government has continued to regard the increase of rural incomes as a central task of the initiatives in rural areas and has made every effort to create additional means of income for rural residents. The per capita net income of rural residents has increased steadily over the past several years. It has realized an average annual increase of 7.9% since 2002. On a particularly positive note, the income gap between urban and rural areas began to show signs of narrowing in 2010. Last year, the real per capita income growth of rural residents exceeded that of urban inhabitants for the first time. With China’s economic growth slowing down, the resilience of rural economy will help China effectively to avoid a hard landing for economy.

解析 1.第2句“中国政府坚持……,千方百计拓宽农民的增收渠道”,翻译为现在完成时更佳,强调政府政策的持续性,与下文提到的农民收入增加这一影响呼应。
3.“特别是2010年,城乡收入差距开始出现缩小的可喜迹象”一句可先译出中心意思the income gap began to show signs。再补充其他修饰成分“城乡”、“缩小”和“可喜”。参考译文将修饰语“可喜”转换成状语,译成On a particularly positive note(可喜的是),这一处理方式比译成show positive signs of narrowing更能突出政策取得的成果。
4.末句中的“在经济增长放缓的局势下”不可译成faced with a slowing economic growth,因为句子的主语“农村经济的韧性”在逻辑上与它没有任何关系,因此可考虑译为with引导的复合结构,表伴随状态,即with China’s economic growth slowing down。