For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay on cohesion. Yo

游客2024-03-12  3

问题 For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay on cohesion. Your essay should include the importance of cohesion and measures to be taken to enhance cohesion. You are required to write at least 150 words but no more than 200 words.


答案                            On Cohesion
   I assume that you are all familiar with the famous Chopsticks theorem—we can easily break one chopstick, but when a bunch of chopsticks are tied together, we will find it difficult to break them off even if we exhaust our strength. Simple as the theorem is, it aims at informing us of the significance of cohesion. Common sense has told us that cohesion proves to be extremely important, which can help us solve tough problems easily and improve our work efficiency.
   To enhance cohesion, setting a clear and attainable common goal is the first step. When a team have a common goal, all team members will strive harder to achieve it. In addition, giving the group rewards is another important way to encourage team cohesion. Once rewarded for their achievement, the team members can harvest an intense sense of collective honor, which inspires them to make further contribution to the team.
   To sum up, a team can overcome any dilemma and grow rapidly beyond expectation under the guidance of cohesion. It’s high time that we enhanced the team cohesion and raised cooperative consciousness.
