
游客2024-03-11  21

问题   脸谱是京剧中非常独特、非常吸引人的元素,通过夸张的形式表现不同人物的个性、地位、年龄和能力等。据说脸谱起源于古代战争中武士所戴的面具,以期吓跑敌人。人们可以从脸谱的颜色推断人物的特征。例如:红色脸谱表示忠勇义烈的人物;黑色脸谱表示刚烈、正直,甚至是鲁莽的人物;蓝色脸谱表示刚强暴躁的人物;绿色脸谱表示妖魔鬼怪的角色;金色和银色脸谱则表示神仙的角色。


答案   The facial makeup is a unique and fascinating element of Peking Opera, revealing the personality, status, age, ability and the like of various characters in an exaggerated form. The facial makeup is said to originate from masks with which the ancient warriors went to war to scare away the enemies. One can tell the feature of a character by the color painted on their faces. For instance, red indicates that the role is brave, loyal and virtuous; black portrays a fierce, straightforward, and even reckless person; blue signifies staunchness and a violent temper; green is for evil spirits or ghostly nature; whereas gold and silver are exclusively for immortals and celestial beings.
