秦腔(Qingqiang Opera)起源于唐、宋年间的陕西农村,经明、清两代的发展,演变成现在以“直起直落,慷慨激昂,荡气回肠”为主要特征的表现形式。在陕西境

游客2024-03-11  13

问题 秦腔(Qingqiang Opera)起源于唐、宋年间的陕西农村,经明、清两代的发展,演变成现在以“直起直落,慷慨激昂,荡气回肠”为主要特征的表现形式。在陕西境内,根据不同语言特色和生活习惯,秦腔又分为东、中、西、南四路。西安秦腔吸取东、西两路秦腔的长处和京剧等外来剧种的优点,既有高亢激昂、粗犷豪放的风格,又有柔和清丽、精致细腻的格调。


答案 Qinqiang Opera originated in the Tang and Song dynasties from the rural areas of the ancient Shaanxi in China and took shape in the Ming and Qing dynasties. Now this folk opera is featured by melodies that do not have many changes yet sound impassioned and soul-stirring. Since the dialects and living habits vary from place to place within Shaanxi province, Qinqiang opera is classified into four schools: the eastern school, the central school, the western school and the southern school. Qinqiang opera performed in Xi’an has absorbed the merits of the eastern and western schools as well as those of other operas such as Peking opera. Thus it sounds loud and rough sometimes, soft and gentle at other times.
