[originaltext]W: Have you finished that painting for the new student center?M:

游客2024-02-15  4

W: Have you finished that painting for the new student center?
M: Just this morning. I’ve been working extra hours all week. You know, the building opens tomorrow.
Q: What does the man mean?

选项 A、He needs another week for the painting.
B、The painting was completed just in time.
C、The building won’t open until next week.
D、His artistic work has been well received.

答案 B

解析 女士询问男士是否已经完成了绘画作品,男士明确回答说今天上午刚刚完成,并接着说,新的学生中心是明天开放。由此可知,绘画作品完成得很及时。