[originaltext]The 20th Winter Olympics have just ended in Turin, Italy. But for

游客2024-02-14  2

The 20th Winter Olympics have just ended in Turin, Italy. But for some possible future Olympians, the games are about to begin with help from an American speed skater.
Joey Cheek won a gold medal in the 500 meter event. And he won a silver medal in the 1000 meter race. The United States Olympic Committee gave him 40,000 dollars in prize money, 25,000 dollars for his gold medal, and 15,000 for the silver. Joey Cheek announced that he was giving the money to the international group Right to Play. This group is based in Toronto, Canada. It brings sports and play to. children in developing countries. Olympic and professional athletes from around the world help support Right to Play with their time and money. Right to Play uses athletes as ambassadors. It says star athletes are not only the heroes of children, they can also influence decision makers.
The group says well-designed sports and play programs help children develop physically, mentally and socially. Sports can help create connections between children and adults. They can also bring children together to learn teamwork, conflict resolution and cultural understanding.
Right to Play began as Olympic Aid. It started as a way to show support for people in areas of war and crisis and collect money for them. Right to Play says it reaches more than 500,000 children each week. Its Website is w-w-w dot right to play, all one word, dot com.
What is the function of the international group named Right to Play?
How will sports and play programs benefit children socially?

选项 A、By creating chances of teamwork.
B、By collecting money for children.
C、By supporting people in war areas.
D、By teaching children speed skating.

答案 A

解析 本题问“运动和游戏程序将如何使儿童们在社交方面获益?”短文的后半部分提到,Sports can help create connections between children and adults.They can also bring children together to learn teamwork,conflict resolution and cultural understanding.可见,这些运动不但可以增强孩子与大人之间的联系,还能够将孩子们组织起来,帮助他们就团队协同合作、解决冲突和文化理解等方面开展学习。据此可以断定[A]“通过创造协同工作的机会”正确。