[originaltext]M: Laura, what are you busy doing?W: I’m working on my report on

游客2024-02-09  7

M: Laura, what are you busy doing?
W: I’m working on my report on gender differences with the results of my survey.
M: Oh? What’s the finding? Are there really a lot of differences between men and women?
W: You bet there are. For example,(19)in a lot of men’s mind, women tend to be really talkative and some would describe their wives as chatter-boxes. They say their wives say many things so fast that they get lost in the middle of the conversation.
M: Oh, dear. That’s too bad. But that is only men’s feelings. Do you find that women do talk so much?
W: Well, it all depends. Actually, my research finding is that men and women simply do different ways of talking.(20)Men do the public talking well and women often do the private talking.
M: Sorry, I lose track of your words. Private talking? What’s that?
W: That is to say,(20)for most women, the language of conversation is primarily a way of establishing connections and relationships. But for most men, talk is primarily a means to stay independent and maintain status in the social order.
M: I see. Men do have higher social status than women.
W: But nowadays,(21)more and more women are doing better and better in the society. For example, in some Latin American countries, there are female defense ministers and in America, Hillary Clinton is now the Secretary of State.
M: But do you feel that men and women are equally treated in the modern society?
W: According to my research, there are still a lot of inequality in both developing countries and the industrial ones. But fortunately, things are changing for the better.
19. How do men think of their wives in general?
20. What can we learn about people’s ways of talking?
21. Why is Hillary Clinton mentioned in the conversation?

选项 A、To explain the different treatment men and women get.
B、To show that men and women are physically different.
C、To display the equal treatment women get in developed countries.
D、To prove that women are doing better in the modern society.

答案 D

解析 目的原因题。女士提到,越来越多的女性在现代社会做得越来越好,并以拉丁美洲一些国家由女士担任国防部长和美国国务卿希拉里·克林顿为例来论证。因此,对话提到希拉里是为了证明女性在现代社会做得更好了。