
游客2024-02-08  22

问题 围棋(go)于四千多年前起源于中国,是一种重要的棋盘游戏,并在一千多年前就先后传到朝鲜半岛(peninsula)和日本,为东北亚人们普遍喜爱。每年中、日、韩之间有多种围棋比赛,围棋成为文化交流的工具。围棋不仅是竞赛项目,也是一种游戏活动,文人(literati)的案台上常常备有围棋。客人来了,除了有酒,还有围棋。旧时,无论在农村还是在市井,人们常常可以见到这样的场面:两个人在对弈,旁边站着一大片观棋的人,观棋的人得到的快乐丝毫不比下棋的人少。


答案 Go is an important board game with origins in China from more than 4,000 years ago. It was introduced to the Korean peninsula and Japan over 1,000 years ago, and has since become a favorite pastime of many people there. Today, go still serves as a means of cultural exchange between the peoples of China, Japan and Korea, as they engage in numerous tournaments every year. Go is not only a competitive event but also a game of entertainment. The literati would usually have a set of go pieces on their desks. When a friend came around, both the host and the guest would enjoy a game of go, along with fine wine. In ancient countryside and towns, a pair of go players in an open space would often attract an attentive crowd, with the onlookers enjoying the game no less than the players.
