1988年10月31日,中国大陆拥有了自己的高速公路。沪嘉高速公路(Shanghai—Jiading Express一way)是204国道(Nation

游客2024-02-01  25

问题     1988年10月31日,中国大陆拥有了自己的高速公路。沪嘉高速公路(Shanghai—Jiading Express一way)是204国道(National Road)的入沪路段,从上海市区祁连山路至市郊嘉定县南门,是一条全立交、全封闭设备汽车专用高等级公路。公路全长20.5千米,占地宽45米,路面宽26.5米,中央有3.5米的分隔带,上下行各两个车道,两侧还有2.5米宽的硬路肩(hardened verges),供紧急停车用。这条公路首次采用了现代化的交通监控设施,全线设立了3个数据采集系统,可采集到车速、车型和过路汽车数据。每一千米设有紧急电话,使汽车司机、公路管理人员和中央控制室保持联络。


答案     On October 31 , 1988, mainland China had its own highway. Shanghai -Jiading Expressway is a section entering into Shanghai of 204 National Road, from the Qilian Mountain Road of Shanghai suburb to the south gate of Jiading County, a full-interchange and high-grade highway which is dedicated to the fully-closed vehidles only. The highway with a total length of 20. 5 kilometers occupies an area which is 45 meters wide. There is a 26. 5-meter-wide pavement, a 3. 5-meter lane separator, two lanes for each direction , and 2. 5-metre-wide hardened verges on both sides for emergency vehicle use. The highway, for the first time, introduced modern traffic control facilities, and three data acquisition systems set up on the whole road can collect data of speed, models and the passing cars. Emergency telephones are offered every one kilometer, helping vehicle drivers and road managers keep in touch with the central control room.
