名人效应(celebrity effect)是指因崇拜明星而进行模仿的心理现象。在我们生活中随处都能看到名人效应,比如我们会买所喜欢的明星代言的产品,做明

游客2024-01-29  23

问题    名人效应(celebrity effect)是指因崇拜明星而进行模仿的心理现象。在我们生活中随处都能看到名人效应,比如我们会买所喜欢的明星代言的产品,做明星提倡的事情。名人效应既有优点,也存在不足。明星都是各自领域的精英,但在其他领域就不见得做得好。尤其是现如今一些年轻明星,他们的行为传达出的是堕落的信息,对年轻一代影响很不好。


答案    Celebrity effect refers to the psychological phenomenon of imitation due to star worship. Celebrity effect is everywhere in our lives. For example, we tend to buy products that our favorite celebrities promote and do what they advocate. Celebrity effect has both advantages and disadvantages. Celebrities are elites in their own fields, but not in other areas. In particular, today’ s young stars, whose actions convey a degenerating message, have a bad influence on the younger generation.
