九寨沟(Jiuzhai Valley)是中国第一个以保护自然风景为主要目的的自然保护区,里面动植物资源丰富,种类繁多,原始森林遍布,栖息着大熊猫等十多种珍

游客2024-01-28  35

问题    九寨沟(Jiuzhai Valley)是中国第一个以保护自然风景为主要目的的自然保护区,里面动植物资源丰富,种类繁多,原始森林遍布,栖息着大熊猫等十多种珍贵稀有野生动物。九寨沟四季景色迷人,尤以秋季的五颜六色最为好看,被誉为“美丽的童话世界”。目前,九寨沟景区基础设施日趋完善,服务项目日益齐全,正在走可持续发展的生态旅游之路。


答案    Jiuzhai Valley is the first nature reserve to protect mainly natural scenery, in which there are various animals and plants. In the primeval forests inhabit more than ten sorts of precious and rare wild animals including pandas. Jiuzhai Valley, honored as the "beautiful fairyland" , boasts fascinating scenery all the year round, especially charming in the colorful autumn. With increasingly perfect infrastructure and service nowadays, Jiuzhai Valley is on the way to a sustainable eco-tourism area.
