中国的园林艺术有3 000多年的历史,现存古典园林有1 000余处。中国北方的园林主要以皇家园林为主,如北京的北海、圆明园和颐和园,承德的避暑山庄。在大

游客2024-01-20  6

问题     中国的园林艺术有3 000多年的历史,现存古典园林有1 000余处。中国北方的园林主要以皇家园林为主,如北京的北海、圆明园和颐和园,承德的避暑山庄。在大型皇家园林中,主要建筑都在园区的南北中轴线上,布局对称,而其他建筑则坐落在山水之间,相映成趣。私家园林多见于中国南方,尤其是长江以南的都市之中。园中有精心布局的假山、湖塘、亭阁、小桥、树木和花草等,游人可以尽享园中美景。苏州有“园林之乡”的美称,是中国传统私家园林的典范。


答案     The art of Chinese gardens has a history of more than 3 000 years. Now China has more than 1 000 classical gardens. The gardens in Northern China are mostly imperial property, such as the Beihai Park, Yuanmingyuan Imperial Garden and the Summer Palace in Beijing as well as the Mountain Resort in Chengde. In large imperial gardens, the main buildings are connected by an imaginary line in the middle of the garden on a south-north axis, forming well-designed symmetry. Other buildings are scattered among hills and waters, adding more beauty to the chief architectural complex. Most private gardens are found in the South, especially in cities south of the Yangtze River. Visitors can enjoy the beautiful scenery of artistically arranged rockeries, ponds, pavilions, bridges, trees and flowers in a garden. Suzhou, known as the "Home of Gardens", is the model of the traditional Chinese private gardens.
