Of 40 applicants for a job, 32 had at least 5 years of prior work experience, 24

游客2024-01-14  7

问题 Of 40 applicants for a job, 32 had at least 5 years of prior work experience, 24 had advanced degrees, and i6 had at least 5 years of prior work experience and advanced degrees. How many of the applicants had neither 5 years of prior work experience nor advanced degrees?

选项 A、0

答案 A

解析 To solve this problem, you need to divide the applicants into four exclusive groups that do not overlap. The 16 with both experience and degrees are the first group; we can subtract the 16 from the 24 with advanced degrees to determine that 8 have advanced degrees but not 5 years of experience, and we can subtract the 16 from the 32 with experience to determine that there are 16 applicants with 5 years of experience but no advanced degrees. We can then subtract these three groups from the total pool of 40 applicants to determine how many lack both experience and advanced degrees; 40-16-16-8=0, so there were no such applicants among the 40.