Until recently, anthropologists generally agreed that higher primates originated

游客2024-01-13  32

问题 Until recently, anthropologists generally agreed that higher primates originated about 30 million years ago in the Al Fayyum region of Egypt. However, a 40-million-year-old fossilized fragment of a lower jawbone discovered in Burma(now called Myanmar)in 1978 was used to support the theory that the earliest higher primates originated in Burma. However, the claim is premature for______. Which one of the following, if true, is the most logical completion of the paragraph above?

选项 A、there are no more primate species in Burma than there are in Egypt
B、several anthropologists using different dating methods, independently confirmed the estimated age of the jawbone fragment
C、higher primates cannot be identified solely by their lower jawbones
D、several prominent anthropologists do not believe that higher primates could have originated in either Egypt or Burma
E、other archaeological expeditions in Burma have unearthed higher-primate fossilized bone fragments that are clearly older than 40 million years

答案 C

解析 本题若仅从问题目的的角度看,应属于“解释”题型,但细心的读者会发现:若把段落最后一句话变为问题目的,则本题变为“反对”题型;若把段落最后一句话改为“However,it’s believed thathigher primates cannot be identified solely by their lower jawbones,so ”,则本题变为“归纳”题型。笔者特把该题放入本章,请读者对比相关题目仔细体会本题推理特点。要质疑一个论证的结论,首先就要质疑支持这个结论成立的证据。段落中支持最早的灵长类动物起源于缅甸的证据是1978年在缅甸发现了下颚骨化石碎片。但该证据并没证明这些下颚骨化石碎片就是高级灵长类动物的下颚骨碎片,换句话说高级灵长类动物不能仅仅通过它们的下颚骨来鉴定它们。由此可知(C)是正确答案;(A)是毫无根据的胡说八道;(B)只是加强了颚骨碎片源于3000万年的事实;(D)是在诉诸权威,而不是在诉诸证据;选项(E)引入了新的比较。因此,(A)、(B)、(D)和(E)选项都是错误的。