The animosity between those who regulate and those who are regulated, never more

游客2024-01-13  14

问题 The animosity between those who regulate and those who are regulated, never more pronounced than in recent debates over environmentalism and pollution control.

选项 A、The animosity between those who regulate and those who are regulated, never
B、The animosity between those who regulate and those who are regulated, never being
C、The animosity between those who regulate and those who are regulated has never been
D、Between those who regulate and those who are regulated, such animosity was never
E、Between those who regulate and those who are regulated,such animosity has never been

答案 C

解析 A、B中均缺谓语动词,由never more pronounced决定了本句时态应用现在完成时;D、E中,such animosity是含糊不明确的,前文未出现过。D中用was错。