Although the coordination of monetary policy can help facilitate the orderly fin

游客2024-01-13  5

问题 Although the coordination of monetary policy can help facilitate the orderly financing of existing imbalances, it is unlikely that its effects on their size is significant in the absence of an appropriate fiscal adjustment.

选项 A、it is unlikely that its effects on their size is significant
B、it is unlikely that the size of their effect would be significant
C、affecting their sizes are not likely to be significant
D、the significance of their effect on its size is unlikely
E、its effect on their size is not likely to be significant

答案 E

解析 C、D不符合习惯用法,排除;B中that从句中用would毫无根据,因为本句陈述内容是一客观事实。A、E比较,E显然比A简洁。