Early in the twentieth century, San Francisco was the main venue for African

游客2024-01-10  5

问题     Early in the twentieth century, San Francisco was the main venue for African American jazz musicians on the West Coast of the United States. Musical activity was centered in a district known as the Barbary Coast, where an abundance of nightclubs provided ample work opportunities for local players and drew musicians and other entertainers, many of them African American, from throughout the country. In 1921, as part of its Prohibition-era efforts, the government closed the Barbary Coast. This closure was the decisive event that established Los Angeles as the premier center for jazz on the West Coast. Once the Barbary Coast was shut down, it became far harder for jazz musicians to make a living in San Francisco; thus, many headed south to Los Angeles.
    Yet even before that closing, the center of jazz activity had begun to swing southward. With the largest and fastest growing African American urban community in the West, as well as the growing movie industry and an emerging recording industry, Los Angeles was already a magnet for jazz musicians from other parts of the country, especially New Orleans, where jazz players suffered a devastating blow with closing of the Storyville district in 1917. [br] The primary purpose of the passage is to

选项 A、point out the parallel effects on jazz music of governmental actions in San Francisco and New Orleans
B、offer an alternative to the standard explanation for the decline of San Francisco as a jazz center
C、argue for the importance of Californian cities in the development of jazz
D、present and refute an argument about the reasons for a demographic shift in jazz activity
E、outline the factors that contributed to a change in the geographical locus of jazz activity

答案 E

解析 文章的主要目的就是给出各种原因解释为什么洛杉矶成为爵士乐中心:巴巴里海岸的关闭、新奥尔良斯特利维尔地区的关闭、电影业和唱片业的兴起等。A项新奥尔良属于细节。B项文中没有替代性解释,只有一个解释,那就是巴巴里海岸被关闭。C项没有把范围扩大为加州城市。D项文章没有反驳。