Complete the summary below.Choose NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS from the passage for e

游客2024-01-08  11

问题 Complete the summary below.
Choose NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS from the passage for each answer.
Write your answers in boxes 18-23 on your answer sheet.
Research into how parents talk to babies
Researchers at Washington State University used 【R18】______, together with specialised computer programs, to analyse how parents interacted with their babies during a normal day. The study revealed that 【R19】______tended not to modify their ordinary speech patterns when interacting with their babies. According to an idea known as the【R20】______, they may use a more adult type of speech to prepare infants for the language they will hear outside the family home. According to the researchers, hearing baby talk from one parent and ’normal’ language from the other expands the baby’s 【R21】______of types of speech which they can practise.
Meanwhile, another study carried out by scientists from the University of Washington and the University of Connecticut recorded speech and sound using special 【R22】______that the babies were equipped with. When they studied the babies again at age two, they found that those who had heard a lot of baby talk in infancy had a much larger 【R23】______than those who had not. [br] 【R18】


答案 recording devices

解析 题目:华盛顿大学的研究人员使用……和专用电脑程序来分析平日里家长与婴儿的互动。读题时可知空白处与specialised computer programs应是并列成分,同为研究人员使用的实验用具;specialised computer programs在原文中被替换为speech-recognition software,与之用and连接起来的名词短语便是答案。因此答案为recording devices。