[img]2014m9s/ct_etoefm_etoefread_1_20149[/img]Who was right?[img]2014m9s/ct
[img]2014m9s/ct_etoefm_etoefread_1_20149[/img]Who was right?[img]2014m9s/ct
Who was right?
Many ecologists have made precise measurements, designed to test the assumptions of both the Clements and Gleason models.
For instance, along mountain slopes, does one life zone, or habitat type, grade sharply or gradually into another?
If the divisions are sharp, perhaps the reason is that the community is so well integrated, so holistic, so like Clements viewed it, that whole clusters of species must remain together. If the divisions are gradual, perhaps, as Gleason suggested, each species is responding individually to its environment, and clusters of species are not so integrated that they must always occur together.
Look at the four squares[
]that indicate where the following sentence can be added to the passage.
Their research has helped to decide between the two views because it has focused on questions to which Clements and Gleason would give opposing answers.
Where would the sentence best fit? [br]
A、Their research has helped to decide between the two views because it has focused on questions to which Clements and Gleason would give opposing answers. Who was right?
Many ecologists have made precise measurements, designed to test the assumptions of both the Clements and Gleason models.
For instance, along mountain slopes, does one life zone, or habitat type, grade sharply or gradually into another?
If the divisions are sharp, perhaps the reason is that the community is so well integrated, so holistic, so like Clements viewed it, that whole clusters of species must remain together. If the divisions are gradual, perhaps, as Gleason suggested, each species is responding individually to its environment, and clusters of species are not so integrated that they must always occur together.
Who was right? Their research has helped to decide between the two views because it has focused on questions to which Clements and Gleason would give opposing answers. Many ecologists have made precise measurements, designed to test the assumptions of both the Clements and Gleason models.
For instance, along mountain slopes, does one life zone, or habitat type, grade sharply or gradually into another?
If the divisions are sharp, perhaps the reason is that the community is so well integrated, so holistic, so like Clements viewed it, that whole clusters of species must remain together. If the divisions are gradual, perhaps, as Gleason suggested, each species is responding individually to its environment, and clusters of species are not so integrated that they must always occur together.
Who was right?
Many ecologists have made precise measurements, designed to test the assumptions of both the Clements and Gleason models. Their research has helped to decide between the two views because it has focused on questions to which Clements and Gleason would give opposing answers. For instance, along mountain slopes, does one life zone, or habitat type, grade sharply or gradually into another?
If the divisions are sharp, perhaps the reason is that the community is so well integrated, so holistic, so like Clements viewed it, that whole clusters of species must remain together. If the divisions are gradual, perhaps, as Gleason suggested, each species is responding individually to its environment, and clusters of species are not so integrated that they must always occur together.
Who was right?
Many ecologists have made precise measurements, designed to test the assumptions of both the Clements and Gleason models.
For instance, along mountain slopes, does one life zone, or habitat type, grade sharply or gradually into another? Their research has helped to decide between the two views because it has focused on questions to which Clements and Gleason would give opposing answers. If the divisions are sharp, perhaps the reason is that the community is so well integrated, so holistic, so like Clements viewed it, that whole clusters of species must remain together. If the divisions are gradual, perhaps, as Gleason suggested, each species is responding individually to its environment, and clusters of species are not so integrated that they must always occur together.
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