
游客2024-01-02  26

问题 水稻是世界上最主要的粮食作物之一,世界一半以上人口(包括中国60%以上人口)都以稻米作为主食。中国是世界上最早种植水稻的国家,至今已有7,000年左右的历史,当前水稻产量占全国粮食作物产量近一半。
    水稻作为主要的粮食,无论对中国还是对世界的重要性都是不言而喻的。中国在超级杂交水稻(super hybrid rice)生产方面成就突出,关键人物便是袁隆平。被誉为“中国杂交水稻之父”。他的名字不仅在中国家喻户晓,在国际上也享有盛誉。
    1987年11月3日,联合国教科文组织在巴黎总部向袁隆平颁发科学奖,认为他的科研成果是“第二次绿色革命”。2004年,袁隆平获得世界粮食奖(the World Food Prize),表彰他为人类提供营养丰富、数量充足的粮食所做出的突出贡献。


答案     As one of the main grain crops, rice feeds more than half of the world’s population (including over 60% Chinese people) who take it as a staple food. Boasting a planting history of about 7,000 years, China is the first country to grow rice in the world. Now in China, the rice output constitutes almost half of the output of all grain crops.
    As the main source of grain, rice has distinct importance for both China and the world. China has made prominent achievements in developing super hybrid rice thanks to a key figure, Yuan Longping, who is honored as the "Father of China’s Super Hybrid Rice". Yuan is not only well-known in China, but also enjoys a great reputation worldwide.
    Yuan started developing hybrid rice since the 1960s. The scientific research team under his guidance keeps China’s hybrid rice above the world’s level. The team always reaps high yields and applies hybrid rice technology to rice production, freeing Chinese people from subsistence concerns. Yuan Longping has visited America, India and other countries for many times to teach the technology. He also delivered lectures to government officials and scientific researchers in more than 30 countries and regions, making hybrid rice technology beneficial to the world.
    On 3rd 11, 1987, the UNESCO granted Yuan the Science Award, hailing his scientific accomplishment as the "Second Green Revolution". In 2004, the World Food Prize was awarded to Yuan, in praise of his prominent contributions in providing humankind with nutritious and abundant food.
