Here is a new edition of the deeply moving______of the five-year journey of phil

游客2023-12-31  12

问题 Here is a new edition of the deeply moving______of the five-year journey of philosopher Ken Wilber and his wife through her illness, treatment, and death.

选项 A、interaction

答案 B

解析    (1)句子结构。
   主句为一个倒装句,其结构为主动补(SVC),其中a new edition为主语,其后的of the deeply…and death都是定语,is为系动词,here为主语补语。
   A.interaction n.相互影响,相互作用;互动
   B.account n.叙述,描写,报道
   C.landscape n.风景,景致
   D.confession n.忏悔;供认
   本句大意为“这本书的最新版详细记录了哲学家肯-威尔伯和他的妻子五年来经历疾病、治疗和死亡的历程”。后文中出现illness,treatment and death,所以前文中的journey就是主人公的“心路历程”,因此account(讲述、描述)最符合题意,故选B项。
   ①tell about告诉(某人)有关……的情况,谈及;讲述
   e.g.This week in our series,we tell about some of the other early battles of the Civil War.
   ②give an account of叙述,说明,报告,讲述
   e.g.The authors give an account of the basic concept and classification of cytotoxic drugs.
   e.g.She entertained them by narrating her adventures in Africa.
   e.g.She was asked to recount the details of the conversation to the court.