下面你将听到一段有关香港旅游的对话。//A:你去过香港吗?那个叫作“东方之珠”的城市?//B: Not yet. A great pity. But

游客2023-12-30  4

问题     下面你将听到一段有关香港旅游的对话。//
B: Not yet. A great pity. But you know, Hong Kong has a natural attraction to visitors like me. In particular the story of Suzie Wong and the legacy of superstars like Bruce Lee have long captured my curiosity. I’m dreaming to have a first hand experience of the mysteries of this city.  //
B: But I heard the Asian economic crisis then came, which must have reduced the level of regional travel.  //
B: I see. Nowadays tourism has grown into one pillar industry for many nations. They all begin to appreciate the useful role which tourism plays in stimulating and sustaining economic development. Does the Hong Kong government take measures to preserve and indeed further our position as a leading destination in the region? //
B: Oh, yeah. I heard that they have reformed the visitors’ entry system. Now it has a very liberal visa regime. Residents of over 170 countries can come here visa free for between 7 days to 6 months. //


答案 A:  Hove you ever been to Hong Kong, the city crowned as "the Pearl of the Orient"?
A: It seems you know pretty well about Hong Kong. Hong Kong has also had a reputation as a Shoppers’ Paradise. In the period up to the mid 1990s, visitor arrivals recorded double-digit growth each year for over a decade.
A: Yeah. But right after the crisis, the numbers of tourists have started to come back. And there is no doubt that the tourism industry will continue to play an important part in Hong Kong’s economy.
A: Yes. The Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region has adopted a three-pronged strategy to meet these challenges, namely to provide visitors with easy access to Hong Kong: to enhance attractiveness by facilitating the development of tourism products: and to promote Hong Kong as an attractive tourist destination.
