[originaltext]A: Mr. Wang, glad to have you here for our program. Today we’re t

游客2023-12-29  42

A: Mr. Wang, glad to have you here for our program. Today we’re talking about science fiction literature. Human beings have a long history of imagination, which leads to a great number of excellent science fiction. For readers worldwide, they’re probably more familiar with works written by European and American authors. So Mr. Wang, as a sci-fi author yourself, can you briefly introduce Chinese science fiction and how it’s received in China?
A: That’s good news for authors. I’m also curious about one thing. Who’s your favorite sci-fi author, and how did they influence your career path?
A: Sorry to interrupt, but I’d like to explain the Three Laws of Robotics in a very simple way to those who are not very familiar with science fiction. They are: first, a robot should not injure a human being or allow a human being to be injured and do nothing about it; second, a robot must obey human beings’ orders unless the orders conflict with the First Law; third, a robot must protect itself as long as such protection does not conflict with the First or Second Law. So back to our topic. Mr. Wang, in your view, how can sci-fi literature promote the development of human society?


答案 A:王先生,很高兴您能做客我们的节目。今天我们要聊的是科幻文学。人类有关想象的历史非常悠久,由此涌现出一大批优秀的科幻作品。对全世界的读者而言,他们也许更熟悉欧美作家的作品。那么王先生,您本人就是一名科幻作家,是否能给我们简单介绍一下中国的科幻作品,以及它在中国的接受度如何?
B: Science fiction literature has a late start in China, and it doesn’t have a lot of readers, either. This is related to its features. Sci-fi literature involves scientific knowledge and is a bit professional. Readers will not pay attention to this genre unless they’re particularly interested in it. But in recent years, there have been more and more high-quality Chinese sci-fi novels and movies, and the media has also been promoting it. As a result, Chinese people start to pay attention to science fiction.
B: I like many sci-fi authors, as different people have different styles. But it is Isaac Asimov who has influenced me the most. I read his Foundation Trilogy when I was little and I was deeply impressed by it. As far as I know, the Three Laws of Robotics he proposed in this series have a great influence on many sci-fi novels and movies.
B: Sci-fi literature can imagine the future and predict scientific and technological progress, which can boost creativity and generate people’s interests in science and technology. In fact, many scientists say that reading sci-fi literature is their first step towards scientific research. There’s usually a huge gap between the world described in sci-fi literature and reality. These technologies from the future seem to be unhelpful to us now, but in the longer term, they have great significance.
