尽管中国在控烟和禁烟方面做了大量工作,但其控烟形式依然严峻。 目前,中国的烟草和烟制品的生产和消费占世界第一,因吸烟造成疾病的死亡率也占世界第一

游客2023-12-28  31

问题     尽管中国在控烟和禁烟方面做了大量工作,但其控烟形式依然严峻。


答案     Despite the great efforts it has taken to ban smoking and restrict tobacco sales, China still faces a daunting challenge in persuading people to quit smoking.
    Currently, China is the world’s largest producer and consumer of tobacco and tobacco products, and in turn it has the highest death toll from the diseases related to smoking. The number of smokers in China is 350 million, 180 million of which are teenagers, while the number of people exposed to second-hand smoke/passive smoking is as high as 540 million. Smoking-related diseases kill as many as 1 million people in China every year, accounting for 12% of all deaths.
    One reason why it is hard to combat smoking is that local governments are reluctant to ban smoking and restrict tobacco sales which bring in huge taxes and massive revenues for them, increasing the GDP. Besides, part of the problem is that many smokers have some misconceptions about smoking. Many smokers believe that smoking can eliminate fatigue, invigorate spirits, promote social networking, and inspire thinking. Even some smokers think that smoking can fight poison with poison and eliminate some diseases.
    China has promised to ban smoking in indoor workplaces, public transport vehicles and indoor public places by 2011. To achieve this goal, China still faces a severe test.
