轨道的作用 轨道有三种主要作用:支承列车重量,为顺利运行提供平滑表面和引导列车车轮前进。 铁路线路应尽可能地平直,因为坡度和曲线会增加机车的负

游客2023-12-28  27

问题    轨道的作用


答案    Functions of the Track
   Track has three main functions. It must support the load, provide a smooth surface for easy movement and guide the wheels of the train.
   The railroad line should be as level and straight as can be achieved because grades and curves increase the burden on the locomotive and the wear on the track. The tractive effort required to pull a load up a 1% grade is about five times what is required on straight level track and a curvature of 1 degree requires an increase of from 12. 5% to 25% in tractive effort.
   Road-bed is the subgrade on which are laid the ballast, ties and rails. There are two types of it: cut and fill. It should be firm, well drained and of adequate dimensions.
   Steel rails support the load which locomotives and cars impose on the track. Ties support the rails and ballast supports the ties. Today, rail weighing as many as 60 kilogrammes or more to the metre is in use on lines handling heavy traffic. The use of the so-called T-rail (from its shape) has persisted because experience has shown it is the most practical and economical form of rail.
   The ties keep the rails the proper distance apart, support them and transmit the load to the ballast cushion beneath. With modern methods of chemical treatment, the service life of ties has been approximately trebled, from less than 10 years to more than 20 years, on the average. For the saving of timber and other reasons, concrete ties have developed so rapidly that concrete is now considered to be the ideal material for railway ties.
   To reduce mechanical wear from impact of loads transmitted through the rail, metal tie plates are inserted between the rail and the tie. These plates spread the rail burden over a wide tie area, and thus help to protect the tie from the cutting and wearing effect of the rail base. Wheel friction causes a tendency for rails "to creep" longitudinally, especially on multiple tracks where the trains generally run in the same direction on each track. Small anchors, or anticreepers, applied to the rail and bearing against the edge of the tie are used to check this movement.
   Ballast, usually of crushed rock, cinder, gravel or mine waste, supports and cushions the ties and helps to keep them in proper positions as well as to distribute the track load over the road-bed. It also facilitates drainage, thereby promoting firmness and smooth riding qualities of the track.
   As a train enters a curve, its natural tendency is to continue going straight ahead. It turns only because the outside rail forces it to do so. To permit trains to traverse curves with safety and greater smoothness, the outer rail is super-elevated, or raised above the height of the inner rail so as to balance the forces set up when the movement of the train is diverted from a straight line by the rails of a curve. The right amount of super-elevation for a given curve depends on the train speeds.
