
游客2023-12-28  20

问题    上海合作组织成立12年来,成员国结成紧密的命运共同体和利益共同体。面对复杂的国际和地区形势,维护地区安全稳定和促进成员国共同发展,过去、现在乃至将来相当长时期内都是上海合作组织的首要任务和目标。


答案    Over the past 12 years since the founding of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO), its member states have forged a close community of common destiny and shared interests. In the face of a complex regional and international environment, maintaining regional security and stability and promoting common development of member states have been and will continue to be SCO’s top priority and objective for quite a long time to come.
   On security, the SCO member states need to continue to firmly support each other’s endeavor to safeguard national security and social stability and intensify efforts to combat terrorism, separatism and extremism and drug-related crimes. What merits our attention is that there is a growing tendency of collusion between terrorists and drug criminals in the region. Therefore, counter-terrorism and anti-narcotic efforts should go hand in hand. Economically, the member states need to vigorously promote pragmatic cooperation. The ultimate purpose of maintaining regional security and stability is to achieve common development and prosperity. The member states need to accelerate the implementation of cooperation projects in areas with good potential such as transport, energy, communications and agriculture, and expedite study on setting up an SCO development bank to overcome project financing difficulties and counter international financial risks.

解析    本文第一段简述了上合组织的首要任务和目标,第二段和第三段分别概述了各成员国在安全和经济方面应持有的态度和将采取的共同行动。