
游客2023-12-28  41

问题    2006年,中国一个三口之家的碳排放量平均为2.7吨。目前,这个数字已升至3.5吨。而在北京、上海、广州等大城市,每个家庭的平均碳排放量已接近10吨。碳汇(carbon sink)主要是指森林吸收并储存二氧化碳的能力。森林是陆地生态系统中最大的碳汇库,在降低大气中温室气体浓度、减缓全球气候变暖中具有十分重要的独特作用。


答案    The carbon discharge of a three-member Chinese family, on an average, was 2.7 tons in 2006. Now, this feature has jumped to 3.5 tons. In such large cities as Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou, the average household carbon emissions have approached 10 tons. Carbon sink refers to the capacity of forests to absorb and store carbon dioxide. Forests, as the largest carbon sinks in the continental ecological system, play a very important and unique role in lowering the concentration of greenhouse gas in the atmosphere and slowing down global climate warming.
   According to statistics, each person only needs to plant three trees a year to absorb his carbon dioxide emissions during the same period. China is developing carbon sink forest projects for public participation, such as the giant panda carbon sink forest project to be built in the giant panda habitat in Sichuan Province. Some large carbon dioxide discharging companies have taken actions by building more than 600,000 hectares of carbon sink forests in over a dozen provinces and autonomous regions throughout the country. China will promote actions like purchasing carbon sinks and planting carbon sink trees to speed up afforestation and increase forests’ capacity as carbon sinks.

解析    原文以说明文的形式来介绍减少碳排放量和环境保护的关系,即植树对于碳汇的重要作用。第一段指明中国家庭,特别是一线城市家庭碳排放量日益升高,并解释碳汇的定义和作用。第二段解释森林对中国碳汇的作用,鼓励个人参与碳汇林的种植和推广。